Discover the ultimate Mecha art experience on the Cardano blockchain! Supernova is a Cardano Based Lore & NFT project. We’re a team of close friends and passionate artists & developers with over 20 years of experience in tech. We’ve built a project with high-quality art and immersive storytelling for you to enjoy! Our long-term goal is to build a strong community, keep delivering amazing art and storytelling that will keep you invested in our world while you earn rewards staking your Mech. What can you expect? - An exclusive, high-quality utility poster for our OG's! - A 12-episode SuperNova series that will leave you on the edge of your seat. - The chance to earn Ada just by holding your Mech! And much more exciting things yet to come. Don't miss out, check out our channels now!
Are you interested in NFT 3D on Cardano? Look no further! is your go-to source for the best upcoming NFT 3D on Cardano. Our comprehensive free NFT drops calendar ensures you won't miss any of the latest NFT releases and mints.
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