FloraForms is a pioneering collaboration between beloved digital artist Harto and world-renowned Belvedere Museum in Vienna. Inspired by Gustav Klimt's artwork “The Kiss”, this 10k collection brings cultural heritage to life on the Bitcoin Blockchain! About Belvedere: The Belvedere is one of the world's most striking and significant museums, housing magnificent masterpieces from Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. About Harto: Artist and Designer Harto weaves elements of the natural world, theatrical representation and digital innovation into his work. His latest collection, The Golden Ratio, surpassed $1M USD in secondary sales with an all-time-high of 0.2BTC, and $3.5M USD in market cap.
Hidden Beauty is an original art collection with staking possibility and unique value increase mechanism.
Discover Hidden Beauty, an exceptional Picasso-inspired NFT collection, the world's first NFT collection released on both the Bitcoin Ordinals and Ethereum blockchains. Benefit from unique staking features and a dynamic value growth mechanism.
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