14 Dec 2022

Memeland Waitlist Raffle

alt textRecently, there was a post on Twitter of the Memeland project, which says that you will be able to get into the Waitlist on the mint of their collection.

This can be done by obtaining codes that are available to Potatoz holders. For one potato, 3 codes are given, which can be used by any user.

Conditions for Potatoz holders:

  1. Go to

  2. Connect wallet

  3. Click a Potatoz

  4. Click "Reveal"

  5. Sign a message to view your codes

P.S. You can also use the link to check if a Potatoz's codes have been used, no need to connect wallet.

Conditions for Non-Potatoz holders:

  1. Go to

  2. Connect wallet

  3. Submit the code

  4. Join the #waitlisted campaign to have a chance to upgrade your Waitlist to a Memelist!

You will say that this, of course, is all cool, but where can I get the code?

Where can I get the code?

There are 2 options:

  • buy Potatoz (make sure they are not activated)

  • buy a code on OTC (exclusively through a guarantor)

Of course, this is not a guaranteed mint and not a fact that it will turn out to be taken, however, after you get the opportunity to get into the waitlist, you can dispose of it as you like.

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