16 Nov 2022

Analysis of a top NFT influencer: LoveMake.eth


The next person we meet in our selection of famous people in the NFT and crypto world is LoveMake.eth.

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You must have seen this guy. This is one of the brightest popularizers of the NFT cosplay trend. His wallet is full of blue-cheap collections, but more on that later.

Social networks and sites

Twitter account

OpenSea profile


The first time he got a repost from BAYC was because he made a vector painting, drew BAYC, printed out the biggest picture ever printed with Bored Apes, and posted it on his Twitter.

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After that, Lovemake began to parody his monkeys, who look like him. He got a lot of respect from the BAYC community, started cosplaying his other NFTS and received respect from the RektGuy owner, and reposts from GoblinTown, Doodles (He is a big Doodles holder).

He also had a conflict with Ryder Ripps, who did the BAYC investigation.


He is also a strong collector. On his wallet, you can find three BAYCs (#4590, #8787, #1374), 15 Doodles worth 150 ETH, 20 Otherdeed lands (including koda), over 30 BEANZs and a bunch of other blue-cheap collections. The total floor price of the collection is about 610 ETH.

A very interesting and extraordinary personality in the NFT field. We think that you need to follow his Twitter.

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